Från Wikipedia:
Appropriation is a fundamental aspect in the history of the arts (literary, visual, musical). Appropriation can be understood as "the use of borrowed elements in the creation of a new work."
In the visual arts, to appropriate means to properly adopt, borrow, recycle or sample aspects (or the entire form) of man-made visual culture. Strategies include "re-vision, re-evaluation, variation, version, interpretation, imitation, proximation, supplement, increment, improvisation, prequel, pastiche, paraphrase, parody, homage..."
The term appropriation refers to the use of borrowed elements in the creation of a new work (as in 'the artist uses appropriation') or refers to the new work itself (as in 'this is a piece of appropriation art').
Inherent in our understanding of appropriation is the concept that the new work recontextualises whatever it borrows to create the new work. In most cases the original 'thing' remains accessible as the original, without change.
Art Intervention: (från wikipedia)
Art intervention is an interaction with a previously existing artwork, audience or venue/space. It has the auspice of conceptual art and is commonly a form of performance art. It is associated with the Viennese Actionists, the Dada movement and Neo-Dadaists.
Intervention can also refer to art which enters a situation outside the art world in an attempt to change the existing conditions there. For example, intervention art may attempt to change economic or political situations, or may attempt to make people aware of a condition that they previously had no knowledge of.
Although intervention by its very nature carries an implication of subversion, it is now accepted as a legitimate form of art and is often carried out with the endorsement of those in positions of authority over the artwork, audience or venue/space to be intervened in. However, unendorsed interventions are common and lead to debate as to the distinction between art and vandalism.
By definition it is a challenge, or at the very least a comment, related to the earlier work or the theme of that work, or to the expectations of a particular audience, and more likely to fulfil that function to its full potential when it is unilateral, although in these instances, it is almost certain that it will be viewed by authorities as unwelcome, if not vandalism, and not art.
Hemslöjd är en hantverksmässig tillverkning av bruks- eller prydnadsföremål för eget behov eller till försäljning.
Rötterna till hemslöjd finns i den svenska allmogekulturen där den också hämtar inspiration. Slöjdade föremål är präglade av handens arbete och kunskap om material och teknik. Inom hemslöjd används traditionellt naturen som materialkälla, men även återbruk är vanligt.
Hemslöjd är en förening av nutid och tradition, lokal särprägel och slöjdarens skaparlust.
(källa: Wikipedia)
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